Products for your body, mind & Spirit!

Uriel*-Arnica Nettle


Uses: Burns, Sunburn, Rashes, Insect Bites, Stings, Hives

Temporarily relieves the symptoms of the above skin conditions as well as poison oak or ivy rashes, frostbite and chicken pox.  Apply to skin immediately or as soon as possible for maximum effectiveness.  Comes in gel and spray form.

Active ingredients in both gel and spray: Urtica Urens (Nettle) 1X, Arnica 1X, Calendula 1X, Thuja (american arbovitae) 1X, Symphytum (comfrey) 1X, Cantharis (spanish fly) 3X

Inactive ingredients in spray: Distilled water, organic cane alcohol and colloidal silver

Inactive ingredients in gel: the above plus glycerin, boric acid, sodium alginate, sodium hydroxide, aloe vera, cajeput oil, larch resin, rosemary oil, sorbic acid, tea tree oil, thyme oil, grapefruit seed extract

Spray comes in 1 ounce bottle and gel comes in 2 ounce tube