Products for your body, mind & Spirit!

Throat Chakra Essence-10ml dropper bottle


From the Throat chakra we experience the world through the medium of sound, e.g. language.  It relates to communication of all kinds including inner hearing and the expression of our creativity.  Through this center we connect with the higher mental plane to receive inspiration and guidance from our soul.  The level of consciousness associated with this chakra is the ability to express and enact divine will.

Relates to-Blue, Sound, Self Expression, Causal Body, Musical note G

When to Use-Difficulty knowing or expressing your truth; withdrawn personality; puts on a "brave face" rather than express turmoil inside; suppressed emotions, needs or creativity; problems in the throat chakra or with inner hearing.

Contains the following Essences-Bluebell, Cosmos, Snapdragon, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Tigers Eye & Dodecahedron

(Chakra Essences)