Products for your body, mind & Spirit!

Base Chakra Essence-10ml dropper bottle


The issues of the Base chakra relate to our ability to function in the material world.  Physical survival, grounding, connection with the Earth and our relationship with our body are all issues that relate to this chakra.  When it is functioning well we feel grounded, safe, secure, abundant and filled with vibrant well-being.

The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine and together with the feet chakras and the earthstar chakra forms the basis for our energetic foundations.

Relates to-Red, Earth, Etheric Patterning, Etheric Body, Musical note C

When to Use: Fears and insecurities related to safety and survival, difficulties with "grounding", staying present, disorientation, disorganization, indecision, lack of vitality, difficulty dealing with the pressures of life or fully manifesting creative ideas, problems in the lower etheric blueprint.

Contains the following Essences-Loosestrife, Wild Poppy, St. John's Wort, Jet, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Hexahedron & Volcanic Lava

(Chakra Essences)