Products for your body, mind & Spirit!

Auric Protection Essence-10ml dropper bottle


Use this essence to help strengthen your auric field and decrease over-sensitivity.

Key Points: Strengthens auric field, decreases over-sensitivity in emotionally charged situations, helps you maintain positive energetic boundaries & minimizes energy drain.

Over-sensitivity is a big issue for many people, one that is often experienced as a vulnerability to the emotions or thoughts of other people as well as an inability to define one's own energy from that of others.  Weak energetic boundaries can lead to feelings of being under attack from other people's thought forms, an inability to know which emotions are actually ours in emotionally charged situations and a tendency to feel energetically drained in crowded situations.

Contains the following Essences: Pennyroyal, Mixed Yarrow, Larimar, Lodestone, Clear Quartz, Staurolite

(Divine Harmony Essences)